Why Windows Is Less Secure Than Linux
A good Windows administrator can put together a more secure setup than a bad Linux administrator. This is an article I stumbled upon today, it shows, from a programmer’s point of view, why Windows is harder to secure than Linux.
(Sadly the link no longer works)
Registered Linux User #440575
I finally got myself to register as a Linux users. I guess I got a nice number, I wish my phone numbers were as good :D
All McGyver Ever Needs
Now this reminds me of the times I used to watch this. When was that?? I guess it was the 1980s.
Enjoy :D

Microsoft PR Paying To "Correct" Wikipedia
Over on the O’Reilly Network, there’s an interesting piece about how Microsoft tried to hire people to contribute to Wikipedia . Not wanting to do the edits directly, they were looking for an intermediary to make edits and corrections favorable to them.
Shame on you Microsoft
A Song For The System Administrator
Yesterday after I added my previous post I remembered this little thing, I know it’s old but it’s still funny.
System Administrators Must Never Think, They Must Troubleshoot
A few weeks ago we switched one of our clients to use a hosted anti-SPAM/anti-virus solution. Everything was fine before that, but ever since we did so I started getting delays in the initial welcome message the mail server gave. I thought (And that’s where I went wrong) that it might have been caused by the provider, sending the messages in bursts.
Read More - System Administrators Must Never Think, They Must Troubleshoot
Thunderbird, Linux, And New Email Notification
Now that I think of it, I’ve been using Mozilla Thunderbird for more than 3 years now, it is one of the best email clients I have ever seen, and with the available extensions, it can do almost anything.
At home, I only open Thunderbird when I want to check for new email, but at work, I like to leave it open all the time in case I get any emails from my coworkers.
Caught Sleeping at the Sharepoint Seminar
My Wireless Experience
I guess you’ve been wondering why I haven’t posted anything for a while now. Well, I’ve been a little busy lately, one of the things I was working on is installing a wireless network at home. That project took too much time to complete because of some issues I had. And I’d like to share my story.At first, I went and bought a D-Link DSL-G624T. Good wireless range, nice external finish, built in DSL modem, it sure does remove a lot of the hassle of building a network. But after experimenting with it for 2 days, I was unable to forward SSH to my PC, the router is Linux based, and the firewall kept sending the SSH connections to itself, instead of forwarding them to the internal LAN.
Rotating Tomcat Logs
Something that had puzzled me for a while, when I first stared working for Integrant Inc. I noticed that the catalina.out file generated by tomcat was growing so big it sometimes reached 3 or even 4GB.
About Me
Dev gone Ops gone DevOps. Any views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.