Bettering Myself
It’s been a long time since I have added anything to my blog; I wanted to update my site to use the newer version of Hugo . I also wanted to update the theme to remove some of the older componets and disable Disqus . One of the things I wanted to do is to use Parcel to learn how it works. I got halfway through the HTML and then real life got in the way. For some reason I kept delaying adding new content because I thought updating the theme to the newest Hugo version would take a long time.
Adding a Form to Your Static Site
I’ve become a big fan of static site generators lately, especially Hugo . It’s true, static site generators are not for everybody, but most websites on the Internet can be easily implemented as static sites. Also, static sites are great for those websites that you can’t regularly maintain, they are secure, fast, and very easy to set up. Take this blog for example, I don’t have much time to maintain and apply security patches so having it set up as HTML is perfect for me.
Running Older PHP Versions on FreeBSD 11
Why? You might ask yourself. Isn’t it just better to upgrade the web application and save yourself the trouble of all the security issues? True, but sometimes it’s just not possible or feasible. The other day I helped a friend of mine migreate from a VPS he got in 2008 to a brand new FreeBSD 11 droplet on DigitalOcean . His customer has still not updated their site, and they were paying the same rate they’ve been paying since 2008. So it was better and cheaper to move them to a new VPS even though we kept the same code. At least the OS and all other components in the stack were updated.
Faster TLS Deployment With Acmetool
Getting Smtp Working With edX Devstack
Go Get Error With Babun Shell
Quick one here, if you run into the following error when trying to download a go package using Babun
go get -u -v (download)
# cd .; git clone C:\Users\Mohammad Al-Shami\go\src\\cosiner\argv
Cloning into 'C:\Users\Mohammad Al-Shami\go\src\\cosiner\argv'...
fatal: Invalid path '/cygdrive/c/Users/Mohammad Al-Shami/Desktop/go/C:\Users\Mohammad Al-Shami\go\src\\cosiner\argv': No such file or directory
package exit status 128
Installing Edx on Ubuntu Xenial
So I’ve been tasked with installing the Open edX devstack for work to do some testing. The current documentation is very lacking and it’s been an ordeal. I decided to summerize the process as a reference.
Bad Gateway With Nginx, PHP, and Oracle
So I got a call from one of our developers telling me one of our Moodle development sites was not working. This particular Moodle instance was configured to use an Oracle backend since that’s what the customer has. Upon checking I got a “Bad Gateway” error.
Automating Hugo Deployments With Webhooks, Bitbucket, and CloudFlare
I’ve been using Hugo for a while now and love it. I don’t update my blog much and with Hugo I don’t need to spend more time updating the CMS than actually blogging. The markdown files are hosted at BitBucket along with my other code and I use CloudFlare for protection as well as a CDN.
Read More - Automating Hugo Deployments With Webhooks, Bitbucket, and CloudFlare
Babun SSH/Git With TinyWall
I was thinking of a way to make my laptop a bit more secure and started looking into alternative firewalls for Windows. I came across TinyWall which is an alternative front end to the Windows firewall so it’s not as intrusive as the other options. Everything was working well till I tried to pull a git repository from Babun and I got an the following error
About Me
Dev gone Ops gone DevOps. Any views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.