Shami's Blog

Sysadmin, Because Even Developers Need Heroes

Logstash Hanging When Rebooting Ubuntu


Edit: 31/7/2022: I’m currently migrating all my logstash configurations to Vector , it has been much kinder to me than Logstash has ever been.

I maintain an ELK server running on Ubuntu 20.04 for testing. One issue I have faced is the Logstash service hanging on reboot. The server would not reboot and I end up having to power cycle.

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Detect if your Script is Running in CRON


In my previous post I discussed how I use a wrapper script to back up a fleet of servers.

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Back Up Multiple Servers With zxfer


ZFS has been one of my favorite tools since I discovered it in 2014. I can’t count how many times it has saved me from disasters. I’ve even had systems that wouldn’t boot but still managed to recover data from them with a rescue disk.

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Get A List of EC2 Instances And The AMIs Used to Launch Them


I was recently tasked with auditing the AMIs we are currently using for our AWS account. I could have just checked all machines but thought jq might be a better way to do it, and it actually is.

Read More - Get A List of EC2 Instances And The AMIs Used to Launch Them

Using Dynamic DNS with pf, iptables, and gomplate


It is always better to tighten the firewall configuration on your servers. Limiting SSH connections from a defined list of IP addresses greatly reduces the attack surface as well as load; the firewall is much more efficient at blocking connections than sshd. The best approach is to have a static IP or connect through a bastion host which is protected via a VPN. But sometimes that is not feasible.

Read More - Using Dynamic DNS with pf, iptables, and gomplate

Why You Shouldn't Use the Windows 10 SSH Agent


I have recently switched to using Sublime Merge as my Git client. I know other clients have the same features but for me Sublime Merge is just a pleasure to use.

Read More - Why You Shouldn't Use the Windows 10 SSH Agent

Simulate Pressing the Reset Button


We’ve all been there, something gets stuck and there is no way to fix it except for a reboot, but even rebooting through SSH isn’t working and you don’t have physical access to the server or an out-of-bound way to power cycle. This has mostly bit me while working on NFS but there has been other cases. Adding it here for reference.

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Writing Reusable Terraform Code, Part 3


In part 1 and part 2 I briefly talked about modules and workspaces. This time I will take things a bit further.

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Writing Reusable Terraform Code, Part 2


In part 1 , I talked about modules and how they are the first step into reducing duplicate resources. Here I will talk about workspaces .

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Writing Reusable Terraform Code, Part 1


I’m fairly new to Terraform, yes I have been using it for the past 2 or 3 years, but my use-case was quite simple; Create a few servers in DigitalOcean or Hetzner , install a web stack, and use the outputs to update the load balancer and the firewall.

Read More - Writing Reusable Terraform Code, Part 1

About Me

Dev gone Ops gone DevOps. Any views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

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