Printing A Page Range In Outlook 2007
Solving "Body type not supported by remote host" Under Postfix
The other day I got some complaints from one of my mail users that he can’t send an email to someone. Since I’m the one causing the company to loose money because of my bad servers I had to “fix this issue”.
Read More - Solving "Body type not supported by remote host" Under Postfix
Kudos Israel, For You Have Taken Out Your Terrorist
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, I’m giving you four. Introducing, one of the unpublicized casualties of the bombings on Gaza:
Read More - Kudos Israel, For You Have Taken Out Your Terrorist
Writing Code Segments Under Wrodpress
So yesterday while I was writing the previous post I noticed that WordPress would try to make what I write look more “User Friendly”. Well, it works most of the time, but it doesn’t do a good job when it comes to code, it took me a while to get this fixed.
Signatures With Date Fields In Microsoft Outlook
Ok, so today our CEO said he wanted everybody to stamp their emails with the sending date. It’s very simple to just add the date manually, but as you know, a good engineer is a lazy engineer. So this is how I did it:
Read More - Signatures With Date Fields In Microsoft Outlook
And I've Finally Finished A Book
Firefox, Not Just Your Favorite Browser :D
I was at the mechanic a few days ago and saw this, priceless

Apache, Rewrite Rules, Redirection, And Multiple Aliases
One of our clients has a website that you can go to using multiple URLs. The server was set up in a way which does a redirection to point into a sub folder. This redirection changed the URL used to a specific one, and the client didn’t like that.
Read More - Apache, Rewrite Rules, Redirection, And Multiple Aliases
Tawjihi Results
So the Tawjihi results this semester should go online in about 5 minutes. As always, I’ve been getting calls since this morning asking me to check if the results came out or not. Tawjihi is the most important class in a student’s life, which faculty you go to depends entirely on the results of the exams you take during that class.
About Me
Dev gone Ops gone DevOps. Any views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.