Shami's Blog

Sysadmin, Because Even Developers Need Heroes

Generate Keycloak Access Tokens with Curl


I’ve been working more with Keycloak lately and I’m loving it. But one thing I wanted to do while testing is to generate access tokens easily. Today I wrote a small wrapper script and thought I should share.


set -e

HOST=`cat $1 | jq -r .host`
REALM=`cat $1 | jq -r .realm`
USERNAME=`cat $1 | jq -r .username`
PASSWORD=`cat $1 | jq -r .password`
CLIENTID=`cat $1 | jq -r .clientid`
CLIENTSECRET=`cat $1 | jq -r .client_secret`

curl -X POST \
    https://$HOST/auth/realms/$REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    -d username=$USERNAME \
    -d password=$PASSWORD \
    -d grant_type=password \
    -d client_id=$CLIENTID \
    -d client_secret=$CLIENTSECRET

The script takes a single JSON file as input and uses the information inside to generate the token. The reason why I went with this approach rather than simple command line parameters is to enable me to quickly switch between Keycloak installations and realms.

Sample JSON file

  "host": "",
  "realm": "realm_name",
  "username": "user_name",
  "password": "super_secret_password",
  "clientid": "client_id",
  "client_secret": "client_secret"
} is a cool service I discovered last night. * will resolve to localhost so you won’t have to fiddle with the hosts file for local development. The only downside to that is you will have to use a self signed certificate which requires modifying the script and adding the --insecure flag to curl.

To generate the token simply run

./ file.json

About Me

Dev gone Ops gone DevOps. Any views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

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