Shami's Blog

Sysadmin, Because Even Developers Need Heroes

Installing Edx on Ubuntu Xenial


So I’ve been tasked with installing the Open edX devstack for work to do some testing. The current documentation is very lacking and it’s been an ordeal. I decided to summerize the process as a reference.

Note: If you’re installing on an OVH dedicated server, make sure to choose a custom installation with the original kernel and make sure the partition with /root has ample space.

Note 2: These instructions are based on the docs found here

Update server

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Install Vagrant and VirtualBox

apt-get install vagrant virtualbox # I noticed virtualbox components being installed with the script so virtualbox might not be necessary here


The document referenced above will tell you to download the box file before hand. I tried that but the installation script below downloaded another copy anway, so don’t bother and leave it to the script

mkdir ~/devstack
cd ~/devstack
export OPENEDX_RELEASE=open-release/ginkgo.1 # Latest version at the time of writing
curl -OL$OPENEDX_RELEASE/util/install/ # Download bootstrap script
bash devstack # Run the script

If you get the following error

Uninstall Vagrant and install from here

apt-get purge vagrant
dpkg -i /root/devstack/vagrant_2.0.1_x86_64.deb # Has to be the full path of the deb file or dpkg won't know what to do
bash devstack # Run the script

About Me

Dev gone Ops gone DevOps. Any views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

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