Disabling RSS Feeds In Drupal 5.x
You might want to create a site that doesn’t have RSS. I did this for my employer to create the admission exam system. Having the RSS icons show up just annoyed me, here is how to do it:
In theme.inc, just comment all the code lines in this function:
function theme_feed_icon($url) {
// if ($image = theme('image', 'misc/feed.png', t('Syndicate content'), t('Syndicate content'))) {
// return '<a href="'. check_url($url) .'" class="feed-icon">'. $image. '</a>';
In common.inc do the same with this function except for the first and last lines:
function drupal_add_feed($url = NULL, $title = '') {
static $stored_feed_links = array();
/* if (!is_null($url)) {
$stored_feed_links[$url] = theme('feed_icon', $url);
drupal_add_link(array('rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/rss+xml',
'title' => $title,
'href' => $url));
return $stored_feed_links;
About Me
Dev gone Ops gone DevOps. Any views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.